Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lily~ 1 year old.

Lily turns 1 on St. Patrick's Day! Mom and dad are so adorable and creative. Mom, made the banner and went all out for the pictures. I explained to mom the 5 stages of a cake eat (if this is their first time eating cake) and I captured all 5 with Lily.
At first Lily was just curious~ no smiles! So mom starts singing this hippo song for christmas and Lily just started dancing and smiling huge. I might just have to record her singing and push play for other kids and see if it is really magic! It worked like magic on this cutie.I think mom got more messy than Lily. While carrying her to the bath tub, she was gripping mom and frosting was everywhere on mom's clothes and even in her hair. Pretty in Pink. She hated the dress! Once it came off, she was so happy! I think she could just smell frosting and wanted to eat!